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The Green Lantern; A Surf & Turf Hero

Strong, brilliant, and its illuminating power is sought after around the US. No it’s not the famed green, spandex laden, DC super hero. It’s one of the most popular off-road lights we sell online today. The Green Diode Work light!

Why Green?
Light color is a personal preference for off-roaders or most outdoors enthusiasts. The color green stands out for many hunting or fishing aficionados as a popular LED light purchase. Red is the most likely to not affect or spook animals, but green is just as effective and is the easiest on human eyes. It helps to pick up on the dark contrasts better than with red. Making them much easier to spot in the dark; like a bear or log that could be run into. This is why it is often sought after for night tactical.... (read more...https://woodysaccessories.wordpress.com/2018/11/06/the-green-lantern-a-surf-turf-hero/


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Truck Drivers Needed: From Camo to Commercial – Hiring Our Vets

High intensity heat, high stress, heck every minute you are breathing, you are in hyper diligence mode. As you lay your head down for rest on your cot or on the ground, you’re wondering how, once your deployment is over, you are going to transition from war to bench war-mer. At least that is how it seems.    Once your home and sitting in front of a work source rep, he may ask you what kind of new skills you have learned during your time of service. You began… (read more... https://woodysaccessories.wordpress.com/2018/10/01/truck-drivers-needed-from-camo-to-commercial-hiring-our-vets/ )




truck stop rest areas, trucker, yellow truck, mountains                     

Traditional U.S. Rest Areas and More

Anyone who travels, whether for fun or for work, know how important it can be to find a rest area when nature calls and you are in-between towns.  Safety and regulations call for truckers to take at least a 30 minute break after 8 hours. And sometimes you just got to stretch your legs. But besides a ceramic or metal throne, America’s nostalgic rest areas contain so much more for travelers to experience.  (Read More.. https://wp.me/p9Wzwj-L)




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Aftermarket Headlight Options with Robert Simmons 

Forward lighting (head lights) has been a field that is ever changing with new technology and lighting fads for decades. There are many options that we wanted to cover for upgrades for your Semi truck, RV or personal vehicle. So we asked our resident- fantastically bearded expert, Robert Simmons to tell us about what is the most popular options on the market and what are some of the pros and cons to each choice. (Read More... https://wp.me/p9Wzwj-B ) 




wheel simulators blog

Wheel Simulators vs Traditional Aftermarket Wheels

  Matt Rasmussen is one of our Sales executives with some of the most experience with the popular wheel simulators that have been sold for decades through the Woody’s Accessories brand.

   He came to them approx. 17 years ago, starting out as a warehouse distribution coordinator. He has laid hands on every single wheel accessory product that Woody’s carries more times than he could dare count and is one of their main go-tos for all specs and info needed. But being a sales executive instead of “D.C.” the last several years hasn’t diminished, but enhanced his knowledge on the products through customer feedback and experiences.

   So I sat down with him to find out some answers to a repeated question. “Are wheel simulators a viable option to traditional wheels?”  (To read more...click here Woody's Words
